Friday, September 28, 2012

FACTOID: Obama Has Recovered Lost Jobs...Not! and other left-wing organizations are currently  trying to say that Obama has, to date, "recovered" all of the jobs that were lost in the recession. Don't believe their liberal hogwash.

At the end of 2008 just before Obama took office the employment to population ratio was 62.2 percent. Today, it is only 58.5 percent. We're still net 4.7 million jobs below the peak we had before the recession.

Bottom line? Obama can talk about creating jobs all he wants. He hasn't. This poor level of performance is unheard of in a post-recession recovery.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Zogby: Romney Behind McCain In 08

Breaking from
Zogby: Romney Running Worse Than McCain in ‘08
President Barack Obama received a surprisingly strong bounce after the Democratic National Convention, and now leads GOP challenger Mitt Romney by nearly 6 points according to a new JZ Analytics poll.

The national poll of likely voters shows Obama leading 47.7 percent to 42 percent, and indicates that Romney is not polling well enough among some conservative demographic groups: NASCAR fans, evangelicals, and the so-called “Walmart voters.”