Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Once Proud Republic

The Declaration of Independence was written to voice the grievances of the people against the British Crown. The United States Constitution was written to protect the people from being forced to ever again endure the treatment laid bare in the Declaration of Independence.

The Founders agonized over the details of both so that this country would not become what the colonists had fled. The Constitution was only meant to enumerate the powers of the Federal Government that were specifically necessary to protect the rights of the people, with the rest coming under the purview of the separate States. Additionally, the only way provided to change the Constitution was through the amendment process.

We no longer resemble that nation built on the Constitution.

The Constitution has been twisted in every conceivable way to allow for this perversion. Those changes have occurred, by-and-large, not by following the process put forth by the Founders, the amendment process, but by the unconstitutional methods of the very people who were charged to uphold the Constitution. And, in the process the Federal Government has morphed into a bureaucratic behemoth catering to the wants of it’s “taker” minions, and controlling it’s population in the way that the Founders intended to avoid.

We are losing this once proud nation. The beacon of freedom to the rest of the world. We are drowning in our own debt, excesses, and unconstitutional activities.

There are three quotes attributed to Ben Franklin that have always stuck with me. One, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” The second, “The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”, And the last, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
All three are true.

The former has come to fruition.

Failure to understand the second has put us in this position, wondering if we can keep our once proud republic.

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