Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Infertility And Adoption

444x294_familyI recently read an excellent piece written by Bobbie Jo Rohrberg on, National Infertility Awareness Week: Try A Little Tenderness.  Bobbie Jo's piece nicely summed up all the issues that most infertile couples experience.  I decided to to take the contents of my comment that I posted to her article and use it as my own blog post.

My wife and I attempted to have children for 12 long years, unsuccessfully.  We visited some of the best clinics available.  We endured the shots, poking and prodding associated with infertility diagnosis.  We worked through it right up until the doctors wanted to get more specific as to who was the cause.

That's where we ended our quest.  My wife and I did not want to know who was creating the issue. Not for selfish purposes.  We just did not want the other to be burdened with the fact that they were the reason for our not being able to bear children.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Judicial Review is ‘Beyond Dispute’, But…

1357.GovernmentAttorney General Eric Holder, in replying to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals request for explanation on President Obama’s comments regarding his view of Judicial Review, stated in a three page response that it was ‘beyond dispute’ that judges had the authority to overturn federal laws.

Reading further into the letter, specifically the last paragraph, one finds this juicy tidbit, “The Supreme Court has often acknowledged the appropriateness of reliance on the political branches' policy choices and judgments.”  While seemingly innocent, this points to one of the biggest issues facing this country, today.

The Executive Branch has become, in it’s eyes and the public’s, above the rest of our co-equal branches of the Federal Government.