Monday, October 22, 2012

The Question

The time is here. The question is still pertinent to our country. The answer will decide where we the people are heading in the next four years. We either continue down the path that we are on, or we change direction.

Study the question well before you provide your answer. The future of the United States of America depends on how you answer the question, and how you vote on November 6, 2012.

Some have said that this is the most important election in our lifetime.

I disagree.

This is the most important election in the history of this country.

The outcome will effect the very foundation upon which the United States is built on, and the documents that represent that foundation. It will determine if we are to continue down a path that is weakening the country in every way imaginable. This statement might be perceived as anecdotal, so we'll list the facts.

  • 23 Million Unemployed or Underemployed
  • 47 Million on Food Stamps
  • 5.5 Million Homes in Crisis/Foreclosure
  • $4500 Drop in Household Income
  • $5.5 Trillion of New Debt
  • $716 Billion in Medicare Cuts
  • $2.6 Trillion for the ACA (ObamaCare)
  • $1.9 Trillion in New Taxes in Obama’s Budget
  • 100% Increase in Gas Prices

Now, think about those numbers. Let them sink in, then, answer the question.

"Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

Think carefully, the United States, your children, and your grandchildren depend on your truthful answer.

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