Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's The Vote Counters That Are In Charge

After the partial recount in St. Lucie County, Florida, Allen West's vote total dropped by 100 votes. That, in and of itself, is a worrisome indicator regarding election counts. Coupling that with the vote total of his challenger, Patrick Murphy, it is even more telling.

The recount resulted in a drop of 600 votes for Murphy.

Is this indicative of errors made on election day, or is this systemic of a much deeper issue? If all the counties in West's congressional district had this same disparity, West might well have one reelection.

All of this begs the question, where else did these erroneous vote counts take place? A +- 600 vote difference across hundreds, or even thousands, of precincts across the country could very well have changed the Presidential outcome, not to mention the Congressional races.

There is only a five seat margin in the Senate. How many Senators are in due to "miscounted" votes?

I smell a big fat rat here...

1 comment:

  1. Bill, you are a big fat rat if you think Democrats may have engaged in a little miscount'n.

    I think the vote count'n is juss fine, thank you. So long as they count all my Dearly Departed Next O' Kin correctly.

    You might like this:

    And the election came out just as predicted:

    Oh, by the way Bill. You not really a big fat rat. I only said that to get your attention. What you are is a big Patriot! Like your blog. God bless.
