Sunday, March 25, 2012

Not My Women!

It's a sad, sad day when we can sit by and watch this occur in this nation. What happened to all the real men?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Just A Flag?

Military-Family-crying_thumb4As an American with family on this continent dating back to before the Revolutionary war, and a veteran of the U. S. Army, I find it very disconcerting that there are Americans who can disrespect our flag.

To do so is to disrespect the people who have fought, the blood that has been shed, and the lives that have been lost all in defense of this symbol of America.

In 1776, the flag, containing the same seven red and six white stripes that it does to this day with only a field of thirteen stars, was created. It’s not known if the flag flew before the Continental Army thrown against the British forces during the War of Independence, but blood was shed and lives were lost in it’s defense.