Saturday, December 29, 2012

Are You Truly Committed?

Our country is heading in the wrong direction, like a freight train headed for hell. The only way we reverse course and return our country to its true constitutional foundation of freedom and liberty will be through personal sacrifice.

I see many on the internet who say they are patriots. They say that they will do whatever it takes to take this country back, to make it a better place for their kids, a place where their dreams can be fulfilled through hard work and perseverance, a place to enjoy true freedom and liberty.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Issue of Ignorance And How We Overcome

After being spurred to thought by Shawn Holster's piece in the The Spitcracker Picayune regarding the "You didn't build that." comment made by Barack Obama, it dawned on me where America finds itself, and how it got there.

We got here through lack of education and personal responsibility. We will be forever under this tyrannical Progressive movement due to the electorate not being intelligent enough to see the truth. Our schools have dumbed down our kids to the point that they only look for what they can get, not what they can provide. The leeches on welfare have been given to for so long that they expect to take, not to create. Therein lies the problem.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's The Vote Counters That Are In Charge

After the partial recount in St. Lucie County, Florida, Allen West's vote total dropped by 100 votes. That, in and of itself, is a worrisome indicator regarding election counts. Coupling that with the vote total of his challenger, Patrick Murphy, it is even more telling.

The recount resulted in a drop of 600 votes for Murphy.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Did We Veterans Fight For This?

On this Veterans Day, almost a week after Election Day 2012, a growing tide of reports continue to come in regarding accusations of fraud. From outright poll intimidation, to reports of poll counts exceeding the voter registration by up to 40%, to untold numbers of absentee, provisional, and military votes not counted.
All of this leading to the question, Is the real president to be Inaugurated?

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Question

The time is here. The question is still pertinent to our country. The answer will decide where we the people are heading in the next four years. We either continue down the path that we are on, or we change direction.

Study the question well before you provide your answer. The future of the United States of America depends on how you answer the question, and how you vote on November 6, 2012.

Some have said that this is the most important election in our lifetime.

I disagree.

Friday, September 28, 2012

FACTOID: Obama Has Recovered Lost Jobs...Not! and other left-wing organizations are currently  trying to say that Obama has, to date, "recovered" all of the jobs that were lost in the recession. Don't believe their liberal hogwash.

At the end of 2008 just before Obama took office the employment to population ratio was 62.2 percent. Today, it is only 58.5 percent. We're still net 4.7 million jobs below the peak we had before the recession.

Bottom line? Obama can talk about creating jobs all he wants. He hasn't. This poor level of performance is unheard of in a post-recession recovery.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Zogby: Romney Behind McCain In 08

Breaking from
Zogby: Romney Running Worse Than McCain in ‘08
President Barack Obama received a surprisingly strong bounce after the Democratic National Convention, and now leads GOP challenger Mitt Romney by nearly 6 points according to a new JZ Analytics poll.

The national poll of likely voters shows Obama leading 47.7 percent to 42 percent, and indicates that Romney is not polling well enough among some conservative demographic groups: NASCAR fans, evangelicals, and the so-called “Walmart voters.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

His Full Name is: Willard Mitt Romney

This was written by a journalist for the Florida Times Union Newspaper, Sandy Strickland. I feel that we would do well to read it and remember what is at stake here. Please share this with your friends, church, neighbors and co-workers. The stark reality of the differences between this man and his opponent are beyond telling. Plus, this is the truth, not manufactured lies that will be shown on television.

In Case You Have A Short Memory

One reason that most of us want President Obama out of the White House would be his sheer inability to lead in times of crisis. Only one real critical incident has taken place during his term as President. Here, I will provide you with an accurate account of his actions, along with the thoughts of some of his biggest sycophants.


Oil Spill Timeline from RightChange on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

“I Inherited This Mess”

I'm so sick of Obama saying that he inherited this mess. If he was interested in seeing the U.S. prosper, he would have already stopped the downward spiral.

Don't be taken in by this excuse-making, rabble-rousing, poor excuse for a POTUS. The only thing positive that this guy has done in the last three years is show us what we don't need in a POTUS.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Infertility And Adoption

444x294_familyI recently read an excellent piece written by Bobbie Jo Rohrberg on, National Infertility Awareness Week: Try A Little Tenderness.  Bobbie Jo's piece nicely summed up all the issues that most infertile couples experience.  I decided to to take the contents of my comment that I posted to her article and use it as my own blog post.

My wife and I attempted to have children for 12 long years, unsuccessfully.  We visited some of the best clinics available.  We endured the shots, poking and prodding associated with infertility diagnosis.  We worked through it right up until the doctors wanted to get more specific as to who was the cause.

That's where we ended our quest.  My wife and I did not want to know who was creating the issue. Not for selfish purposes.  We just did not want the other to be burdened with the fact that they were the reason for our not being able to bear children.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Judicial Review is ‘Beyond Dispute’, But…

1357.GovernmentAttorney General Eric Holder, in replying to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals request for explanation on President Obama’s comments regarding his view of Judicial Review, stated in a three page response that it was ‘beyond dispute’ that judges had the authority to overturn federal laws.

Reading further into the letter, specifically the last paragraph, one finds this juicy tidbit, “The Supreme Court has often acknowledged the appropriateness of reliance on the political branches' policy choices and judgments.”  While seemingly innocent, this points to one of the biggest issues facing this country, today.

The Executive Branch has become, in it’s eyes and the public’s, above the rest of our co-equal branches of the Federal Government.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Not My Women!

It's a sad, sad day when we can sit by and watch this occur in this nation. What happened to all the real men?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Just A Flag?

Military-Family-crying_thumb4As an American with family on this continent dating back to before the Revolutionary war, and a veteran of the U. S. Army, I find it very disconcerting that there are Americans who can disrespect our flag.

To do so is to disrespect the people who have fought, the blood that has been shed, and the lives that have been lost all in defense of this symbol of America.

In 1776, the flag, containing the same seven red and six white stripes that it does to this day with only a field of thirteen stars, was created. It’s not known if the flag flew before the Continental Army thrown against the British forces during the War of Independence, but blood was shed and lives were lost in it’s defense.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Once Proud Republic

The Declaration of Independence was written to voice the grievances of the people against the British Crown. The United States Constitution was written to protect the people from being forced to ever again endure the treatment laid bare in the Declaration of Independence.

The Founders agonized over the details of both so that this country would not become what the colonists had fled. The Constitution was only meant to enumerate the powers of the Federal Government that were specifically necessary to protect the rights of the people, with the rest coming under the purview of the separate States. Additionally, the only way provided to change the Constitution was through the amendment process.

We no longer resemble that nation built on the Constitution.