Tuesday, August 14, 2012

His Full Name is: Willard Mitt Romney

This was written by a journalist for the Florida Times Union Newspaper, Sandy Strickland. I feel that we would do well to read it and remember what is at stake here. Please share this with your friends, church, neighbors and co-workers. The stark reality of the differences between this man and his opponent are beyond telling. Plus, this is the truth, not manufactured lies that will be shown on television.

In Case You Have A Short Memory

One reason that most of us want President Obama out of the White House would be his sheer inability to lead in times of crisis. Only one real critical incident has taken place during his term as President. Here, I will provide you with an accurate account of his actions, along with the thoughts of some of his biggest sycophants.


Oil Spill Timeline from RightChange on Vimeo.